4 Aspects of the G1 Test

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Driving exams can be frightening for students. Most feel nervous and anxious just days before they occur.

But feelings of fear are not common in those who are well prepared.

After spending so much time learning and practicing, you’ll naturally gain the confidence to proceed to the next step.

Uncertainty is enough to stop even the most ambitious learners in their tracks. When you know what to expect from the G1 test, it suddenly becomes less frightening.

Your knowledge of different areas will be tested by 40 questions related to road signs, rules of the road, safe driving practices and traffic laws.

Let’s explore them in detail.

1. Road Signs

Road signs are like an entirely new language. However, you won’t have to spend long hours memorizing their meaning since most of them are easy to understand.

Out of the total 40 questions, 20 of them are related to signs. An image will show up, asking you to choose the right meaning.

Since cities and villages have thousands of road signs, you might already know some of them.

They are split into three different categories:

  • Regulatory signs (stop signs, speed limits)
  • Warning signs (sharp turns, school zones, pedestrian crossings)
  • Informational signs (highway exits, rest areas)

As you accumulate more hours behind the wheel, you’ll notice how quickly you are able to identify the signs and figure out their meaning as they show up. With time, all drivers are able to intuitively follow these signs subconsciously.

2. Rules of the Road

Drivers must follow specific rules that apply to everyone on the road. The G1 test will assess your knowledge of these rules, which ensures that each student fully comprehends and follows the best practices for driving.

Several scenarios can be expected to show up during the exam, such as yielding the right of way at intersections, lane merging and navigating roundabouts.

Predictability reduces the risk of collisions and the rules of the road were implemented to avoid chaos in traffic.

Learn them and verify your knowledge with a road rules practice test. It is intended for those who want to master various scenarios so they won’t freeze when a similar question arises during the exam.

3. Safe Driving Practices

Although you might be alone in the car after obtaining a full G licence, driving is not completely individual. As you join the moving traffic, you’re also responsible for the safety of other drivers.

The G1 test will evaluate how you perform in several decision-making situations.

Defensive driving keeps the roads safe, especially when all participants look out for each other. This aspect covers topics like maintaining a safe distance from the car ahead, understanding blind spots and using the mirrors for better situational awareness.

Safe driving practices are often intuitive, but new drivers must develop habits contributing to overall traffic safety.

Suppose you’re driving through heavy rain. A possible exam question could ask you about the correct use of headlights and windshield wipers, which must be adjusted based on the current weather.

4. Traffic Laws

The best way to fix a mistake is to avoid making it in the first place.

Traffic laws often bore new students, but all drivers must be aware of the potential penalties they face.

We all know that driving under the influence is illegal, but being familiar with the consequences might stop those who are considering breaking the rules every now and then.

Once you learn that such a crime could lead to 10 years of imprisonment, you won’t even glance at the bottle when you’re the designated driver.

There is a special G1 fines, limits and demerit points test you can practice on. Students are often challenged by these tough questions since they tend to ignore traffic laws when studying.

Being aware of the penalties for traffic violations and speeding will help you pass the final exam, but it also makes you a better driver.

Not as Scary as You Thought

The exam itself takes place on a computer in a DriveTest Centre, where a program records your answers and calculates the total score at the end.

This way, students can find out the results immediately, but they also get the chance to review their mistakes.

To pass the G1 test, you must correctly answer at least 16 out of 20 questions in each section. If this requirement puts pressure on your shoulders, have a different look at it -- you can miss 20% of the questions.

Remember that this is a multi-choice exam, where multiple answers might apply to some of the questions.

Available in several languages, the G1 test is designed to accommodate all kinds of students. Upon special request, it can also be taken verbally or with a translator.

Do not be afraid to ask the staff at your local DriveCentre for help. This is their job, and they are there to assist you.

On average, most students finish the test within 30 minutes. Take your time and read every question twice before you choose an answer. Nervousness often causes even the most prepared students to misclick.

After passing the G1 test, it’s time to gain some experience behind the wheel.

You are now able to drive a vehicle as long as you follow these restrictions:

  • Must be accompanied by a full G licenced driver
  • Zero alcohol consumption
  • All passengers must wear seatbelts
  • No driving between midnight and 5 am
  • No driving on 400 highways

After 12 months, you can take the driving exam that will grant you the G2 licence. This is an intermediary step that evaluates the practical experience you’ve gained after passing the theory test.

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